Graduate Studies

I changed plans at this time. I decided to move from design focus to a more business focus. I took a major in Advertising and completed it with International Marketing. The pair would relate to my Advertising Agency and a Media startup I was simultaneously running outside. 

Things were getting tougher outside too. Gettingmy first licence was a nightmare as I registered under the old 1967 Companies legislation. My second company was the one which enjoyed the flexed rues of the 2011 Companies Act.

Accessing finance was (1000x) worse than what it is today. I was simply not bankable as an entrepreneur regardless of how hard I had proved myself. The problems were systemic I would later realize, as they remain largely so today in Lesotho.

These were great lessons! 

It is from these experiences that I successfully become one of the only two business track fellows from Lesotho and part of the 1 per cent selected to become inaugural members of the Young African Leaders Initiative and participated in academic and professional training as a Mandela Washington Fellow. Also, my very first trip to the United States. The American people had realized the struggle I had been through with alike young Africans, and the kind of representation it had for fellow young entrepreneurs, not only in Lesotho, but in Africa as a whole.

I met a sitting US President, President Barrack Obama and actually shook hands with FLOTUS.